I literally have no experience with boys. I get nervous and a my anxiety goes way up when I am around them.
We had an early Christmas get together with Mr. Main’s side of the family, like really early, it’s October.
My sister in law, who lives out of state is due to have her baby the first of February. We all knew that getting together during December was out of the question, as they have to fly to come visit.
We decided to get together while the weather was still nice and there was no snow on the ground. It worked out really well.
They have a little boy who is exactly one year older than Miss A. I don’t know how to explain the anxiety that I endured the entire visit….
Let me give you quick back ground with me and boys. haha. To be frank, I litterally have no experience with them. I have no bothers, most of my cousins are girls and I only have one child, she’s a girl.
I did get married to a boy, luckily I pulled that off ok. I would suffice it to say that I have no clue what to do with boys.
They freak me out…… there I said it. haha
I have said this time and time again, I can handle the emotional roller coaster with Miss A. She starts to throw a fit by rolling around on the ground, trashing about. If I walk away from the situation she usually will get up and follow me. It is attention that she wants, if I am not there to give her attention she usually snaps out of it and we can continue on with the day.
The rough housing, toy throwing, getting into messes stuff is not my thing and it puts me on edge.
I am sure my brother and sister in law could feel my tension. I feel bad, I told them I was sorry that I was not used to little boys, at all!
The long weekend we spent with them ended up being really fun.
Ok, so here is what is making me the most nervous….
I will find out in about 4 weeks if I am having a boy or a girl. I am so nervous because my gut feeling in BOY…..
I think I need a pep talk on how you handle boys. I am not cut out for the rough and tough.
How do you handle/deal with boys?
Maybe what I need is a little retail therapy to calm my nerves for the looming ultra sound that will be here before I know it.
Maybe you need a some retail therapy too? Good news, I have joined with the other So You Think Your Crafty contestants to bring you an awesome giveaway, a $50 Amazing gift card.
Also, please head on over to So You Think Your Crafty to vote for your favorite crafts. I am competing in the season 18 SYTYC craft challenge and would love for you to vote. I can’t tell you which one is mine, so just vote for your favorite!
I have all girls but have 2 brothers. Most people say boys are easier than girls, no drama. My memories of my brothers are that they were competitive and annoying. Boys don’t do drama but they like to create drama. Raise your children to love and respect each other. Teasing is ok to a point but not constantly. My closest in age brother teased me every day all day long until my youngest brother became his target. Boys can be full of energy but so can girls. Don’t worry, if you have a son, you’ll love him as soon as you see him and things will fall (no pun intended) in place..
Oh Courtenay, thank you for your words of encouragement. I know that I will love the baby no matter what. I am just trying to grasp the idea that a boy is possibly in my future. I love the point that you mentioned to teach your kids “to love and respect each other.” I think that that is a big part of it. As a rule my hubby and I are pretty quite people, thus my daughter has a quite nature about her. I know that if we expect respect then the kids will probably be more apt to act with respect. With that said, kids will be kids. I just hope I can survive it all! haha Thank you again for your sweet comment. It really helps.
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