Saturday already!? Where has the time gone. As a mom of little ones I have to say that some days draaaaaagg on and on. Lately everyone in the house been on a pretty even temperament (thank heavens) so time feels like it is going by at an ok pace. Here are few ideas and DIY’s that I recently came across.
Have you ever made a basket before…..this is totally on my DIY wish list. SO many possibilities with colors and sizes.
Find the DIY tutorial here.
I have been loving all of the DIY weaving that has been seen all over the place lately. I just barely did my very first macrame the other day, tutorial coming soon, this weaving is next on my to-learn-how-to-do-list.
DIY weaving tutorial found here.
And in other news:
Great, yummy way to help stay cool.
Nice roundup of light fixtures.
Is this coming back?
We will be doing something similar to this very soon.
this has a nice message.
saving up for this.
Good post!!!