Having kids for most couples is a little up to chance….you “try” and sometimes it happens quick while others wait…sometimes for a very long time.
If you have to deal with infertility then having to wait is all too common… I am so sorry.
If you are familiar with our infertility journey story you are aware of our situation and what is going on….if you haven’t had a chance to read it, head on over here.
We had Alexa in 2013 and almost three years to the date we had Jada in 2016. It was a whirlwind experience both times.
I did IVF with Alexa and did not have any embryos to freeze, we did IVF with Jada and had two embryos to freeze..I was beyond ecstatic… Yay!
With two left in the bank and with life still zipping past I have been feeling the urge that it might be time to have another baby…hoping that in this case…the third time’s a charm.
But, first…
I hope that you are here because you love DIYs, I do too. But, since this is my space and I write about things that I love, I hope you will join me on this journey.
Most women take the pill to prevent pregnancy and I take it so that I can get pregnant. It’s all about perspective folks.
Here’s what’s happening…
I started to coordinate my next cycle with the PA, via text. She tells me that she wants to do a quick phone call to go over a few things, great!
Wednesday: I get a phone call and we chat about all the details of my first appointment and getting on birth control.
Friday: I go to the pharmacy to pick the the RX and it isn’t there…
I text the PA to see if the RX was called in. She says she will re-call it in…I call later that day and the RX is there. I pick it up…all is well.
Monday: The day I am to take my first pill….cannot find the pills, ANYWHERE. I look high and low and under and between..vanished.
I sheepishly text and say…. “I lost them, I’m so sorry. Can you call in another RX.”
She replies back “There are refills, go ahead and order a refill.”
I call the pharmacy and regrettable…. there are no refills.
I text her back and say “no refills….”
She calls it in again…
I call the pharmacy, still no RX…
I text again and say…”Still no RX.”
pause…..deep breath.
We decide that it’s time to switch pharmacies.
She calls it in.
I call to verify it’s there…It’s there…
Yay! Done and done.
The pharmacy that ultimately filled my prescription happened to be in Target…as any good person would do, I sauntered in and briefly perused through the home decor section…
…filling my cart.
I head for checkout thinking about all the fun me and my new decor would have when I get home….at the last moment, right before I push my decor filled cart out the door I realized why I had come to Target in the first place….ahhhggggh. I run over to the pharmacy and pick up my RX, making sure to bring it home with me safe and sound.
I started the medication and all was well.
Friday: I went in and had my first appointment…A water ultrasound. They get right to the dirty business of making sure I could have a baby. All looked good. We got on the schedule to have the embryo’s transferred Feb 25th.
It was happening. I was happy and freaked out and…..it was good, it was all good.
Over the next few days I got this really sick feeling in my stomach. I tried to lay low and stay calm but it was just nagging at me. I said prayer after prayer to find some resolution. On that next Tuesday I said a prayer asking if this whole baby thing was just not right for me….not right now….my heart filled to the top and I cried.
As much as I want more children it’s not the right time. I don’t know why…but it’s ok. I feel so so so blessed to have my two little miracle girls.
So, now what?
Well, I stopped the birth control…totally forgot to take it… which means, this crazy cat got two weeks of PMS this month….yep!
Not sure if we will do IVF this year or next but I will keep dong as I am doing and waiting for that right moment.
But also, if you want to talk baby making and struggles and heartaches and triumphs, I’m your girl….I’m just an email away. xo
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