Every party needs a banner…..it’s the parties way of saying, I’m here and this is what to expect….right?!
Any party can have cake and ice cream and even gifts….but, the banner is what everyone sees… it’s sort of the map of the party. In case there is any confusion, it’s job is to clear the air.
Can you image if you were planning to attend your best friends birthday party and when you arrive, you are met with a banner…. a banner that says “Bride to Be”….
…..You better believe you will know immediately that you are in the wrong place.
Better yet, you will probably turn around and walk right out… in search of the right place to be…unless of course they do have amazing food…then you might rethink your decision…haha
In honor of all banners, today I am sharing a very fun and easy, diy balsa wood banner
-balsa wood (Joann’s)
–acrylic ruler
-large beads
-yarn or other type of string
–hot glue gun
-paint brush
–Exacto Knife or utility knife
Start by deciding how big you want each piece of balsa wood to be. Use the acrylic ruler as a guide and cut each piece of balsa wood to size. To cut the wood, very carefully score the wood, use the ruler as a guide. Keep going over the wood until it’s cut about half way through. Gently bend the wood. Flip the wood over the finish cutting it from the other side. Use a little sand paper to make it smooth, if needed.
Thread on all the beads. Add the balsa wood pieces to their designated spot between the beads. Use hot glue to secure the wood to the yarn/string.
If you have an intricate font for your banner, or one that is hard to replicate…..print out the words for the banner on printer paper. Cut out each letter. Using a pen, trace each letter onto the wood, making sure to apply pressure a little extra pressure with the pen.. You should be left with an indention in the wood. This will help you keep the paint inside the line and make the letter very crisp.
You could also cut out vinyl letters to add to the banner.
I hope for your next party you give banners a chance…they are fun….and you never know who might need a reminder about what the party is all about! 🙂
Love this sweetie !! I need to do this!!! I have made like a hundred paper banner so that get ruined so fast! This would keep forever!! Thanks for the post!!!!
Gotta try it for my Mom’s birthday! Thank you for sharing the idea!