Dear Fiona,
I cannot believe that you are here! I look at you and all I can do is smile. I have dreamed and longed and hoped and wished and wondered if you would come.
Now that you are here it almost feels like a dream…..:)
When you first arrive I was surprised at how well you looked. So tall and healthy.
I picked you up and cleaned you off a bit. The truck ride over to the house must have been a little rough on you but you still held yourself tall.
I set you up and I could tell that you and I were a match made in heaven.
At least I hope so.
You are one of the family now and I want to be sure you are happy here….because…
You see Fiona, I have a notorious black thumb. I have killed succulents…. cactuses have literally crumbled in my presence. I have read all the books and blog posts and I even asked all of my friends what tips they have, on how to keep you happy and healthy.
So here it goes.
I am really really going to try. I hope we can be together for a long long time!
Sincerely, Me!
Have you ever had a Fiddle Leaf Fig? Give me all your tips and tricks and know-how on how to raise a one!
If you want to get a Fiona for yourself, here is where I got mine.
Cute letter! ? Something I swear is true that I’ve learned since having my own, is that they do thrive under careful care. I spent a year researching and planning for mine after killing my first one (over watering and too much fussing over it). My current FLF, Phoebe, is still going strong. All the things I’ve done:
•I bought a mister and use it AROUND the leaves, not directly on them. I also bought Spanish moss and covered the soil around the trunks. I remove the moss before each watering so that it doesn’t get soggy, and then tuck it back around after I’m done.
•Some say a South facing window is best, but mine is beside a NW facing window. It’s a bay window, so maybe that’s why it’s doing so well there (more light streaming through, perhaps?). I refuse to move it. If it ain’t broke, and all that. ?
Some other suggestions: If Fiona’s trunks begin to lean, buy some stakes and help her out so that she grows upright (then again, maybe you want her to lean). For all the pain they are to care for, they can be trained. ?
•Lastly, some people may suggest using coconut oil or even mayonnaise on the leaves to give them shine….don’t. Just don’t. The leaves are like their face, and that’s just going to suffocate them. Wipe them with a soft clean cloth, being careful not to press too hard. If ever her leaves’ tips start to brown, skip a week of watering. Better to underwater than over. Also, the sap is mildly toxic, both to us and her, so if she gets a cut on one of her leaves, you’ll notice it’s almost like she’s bleeding, and wherever the sap gets, she’ll have a brown scar. So, treat it a little like a kid’s boo-boo and stop the bleeding, then cleaning around it so that it won’t scar her.
They’re worth every annoying little thing extra that you’ll have to do. ? Good luck!
Railyn thank you so much for your comment here and on Instagram. I ended up moving her to, hopefully, a better spot with more light. I did skip a watering and then only watered a little bit, just to see. She seemed really thirsty because after I gave her water her leaves almost perked up a bit. I like the idea of a mister, I will give that a shot. I promise not to put untying on her leaves except a nice wipe down after each water. She is leaning so maybe a stake is a good thing too. Thanks for all your tips!! Hopefully she can pull through this.
I loved your letter to Fiona! I was hoping you were going to say it was faux, considering I want a Fiddle Leaf Fig for our house. I’ve been looking around online for all the fake ones, but to know you got this real one from Home Depot and for a really great price, I just might have to break down and do real. I’m impressed with it. BTW, I’m looking forward to meeting you at Haven!
Hey Carol! I have been eyeing the fake ones too but decided to give a real one a try. Hope to meet you at Haven!
Haha! Love this post and hello Fiona! I have on from PB and it’s faux so I am no help with advice but to buy a faux one
lol! xo
Hey! Fiona is still kicking, but with a few dark leaves. I hope she makes it. I wonder if fake would have been a better option…haha.
Good luck I can’t keep a plant alive to save my life!
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Thanks Liz! I had a little bit of a scare the first two weeks or so. She lost about 4 leaves and all the others started to turn black. I did some research and I think she was just getting used to her new home. So far she has been SO SO easy. I water her once a week, if I remember. Thats it.