The babe has rocked our world… and it’s not just the late nights and the early mornings. Everything has changed. It’s no longer me and Miss A, hanging out all day….just her and I. I now have double duty. Double laundry, double dishes, double messes…..but only half as much time. I love being a mom….
5 Reasons Why you Should Invest in Newborn Professional Photography
How is the babe already 6 months old! She is changing and growing daily. One of her most recent feats in to roll around the house, under my feet and anywhere she wants. I have been finding myself making these mishmash pillow nests as a way to trap her. The other day she broke out…
No-Show a Tale of a Yard Sale
I was digging through my blog drafts the other day and came across this beaut. I remember I was about 8 months pregnant and totally high on pre-baby-nesting- Wish I still had that enthusiasm about cleaning behind the toilet. This account still makes my stomach cringe. Remember when I was talking about my long to…
Life Lately
I started a new series on the blog called My House Currently. I love pretty houses, but lets face it, we live in a 1950’s fixer upper.. (that still needs fixing’) with two little girls and a dog.. and a DIY blogger who is always tearing up the place. I love pretty houses, don’t get…
IVF One Year Later
This week marks one year since we did our last IVF cycle. So much has happened in this past year. We have gone through the whole IVF process twice. Each time not knowing if it would work, wondering if we would be blessed with a baby. Wondering if we should gamble and only pay…
My House Currently
I am a real, true life DIY’er….I mean, I have cut my own hair….definitely dyed it and bleached it. I’ve built furniture (most of it I would consider a DIY fail #stilltryingthough). I’v given myself manicures and pedicures. I’ve tiled floors and walls and painted….oh have I painted. I’ve waxed my own legs (ouch). I’ve…
One Simple Trick
Oh, you guys, you guys! I cannot shout this any louder…. Remember when I shared my AHA moment with you….and I took up all the rugs. Everything was going to work out perfectly and in reality it was the exact opposite. Then a trip to grandmas made me think we were out of the clear…….
Happiness…. We all want it…. right? Are you happy? With two little kids running around the house I have often found myself looking at the tough stuff, the messes, the tantrums, the late nights, the early mornings…. and asking myself why, why me…. What is your tough stuff? I love my girls…but some days…
How to Create a Bedtime Routine- The Owlet Piece of Mind
We all need sleep. Babies need sleep….mamas need sleep. The only problem is that with any new addition, sleep can be scarce, especially for mom. Remember my keeper of sleep post? With our first child we were very diligent in establishing a solid bedtime routine, and it has paid off. As soon as we initiate…
Keeper of Sleep
My life is riddled with diaper changes and rocking littles to sleep. A task that I wouldn’t say I enjoy but rather people tell me I will one day miss. When I was pregnant with Alexa my sweet sister-in-law gave me a book, a sleep book. I devoured it. Determined to get my little one…