Dear Mother to Be: For the majority of my married life…(we just celebrated 12 years), Mother’s Day was painful. I am grateful for my Mother and how amazing she is, and happy to be her daughter…BUT… A piece of my life was missing…A deep dark pit lay in my heart and it was hard…
Third Time’s a Charm
Having kids for most couples is a little up to chance….you “try” and sometimes it happens quick while others wait…sometimes for a very long time. If you have to deal with infertility then having to wait is all too common… I am so sorry. If you are familiar with our infertility journey story you are…
5 Reasons Why you Should Invest in Newborn Professional Photography
How is the babe already 6 months old! She is changing and growing daily. One of her most recent feats in to roll around the house, under my feet and anywhere she wants. I have been finding myself making these mishmash pillow nests as a way to trap her. The other day she broke out…
IVF One Year Later
This week marks one year since we did our last IVF cycle. So much has happened in this past year. We have gone through the whole IVF process twice. Each time not knowing if it would work, wondering if we would be blessed with a baby. Wondering if we should gamble and only pay…
How to Create a Bedtime Routine- The Owlet Piece of Mind
We all need sleep. Babies need sleep….mamas need sleep. The only problem is that with any new addition, sleep can be scarce, especially for mom. Remember my keeper of sleep post? With our first child we were very diligent in establishing a solid bedtime routine, and it has paid off. As soon as we initiate…
The Silver Lining
Part 1- Infertility Journey Part 2- Option 1 or option 2 Part 3- When all you can do is cry Part 4- Just a little sting Part 5- Love at first sight Part 6- The silver lining (you are here) Over the past few months I have been sharing our infertility journey. I didn’t know when I…
My Top 9 First Trimester Must-Havs
Hello everyone! I know that probably a lot of you are not pregnant right now, but I bet you know someone who is! Please consider sharing this with anyone who might benefit, I have shared some amazing products that literally changed my life. I thought it would be fun to share with you guys a…
5 Things I Learned About IVF
If you have been around here for a while, then you probably have heard that we have infertility. If you didn’t know, no worries, you can get caught up to speed by reading our infertility journey. It used to make me nervous to tell people about our infertility. I was worried they would give the…
IVF Update 8-25-15 plus FREE Life is One Beautiful Adventure Printable
Hello everyone!! I just wanted to pop in and give you another IVF update! As of last Saturday I am officially 6 weeks pregnant! Yay! So far I haven’t had any sickness or other major symptoms. Because of the IVF I still have to be on hormone replacement therapy. Not to get too graphic but…
Love at First Sight
Part 1- Infertility Journey Part 2- Option 1 or option 2 Part 3- When all you can do is cry Part 4- Just a little sting Part 5- Love at first sight (you are here) Part 6- The silver lining I have been sharing our infertility journey with you. This is a very personal story but…