Who loves the beach?
Oh, me me me…. I do!! Do you too? Oh good.
I love the sand…
I love packing a lunch so we can spend the whole day there….
I love jumping in the waves…
I love the feeling of the warm sun….
I love all the sounds…..
I pretty much love everything about the beach….except….
….the other people.
Don’t get me wrong. If you wanted to go to the beach with me I would totally be there and excited about it too…it’s just sometimes the beach is really crowed and it can be hard to find a parking spot, let alone a place for my towel.
Do you know any good beaches?
What is a girl to do when she loves the beach but wants it all to herself, I am not picky or anything.
First, move away from the ocean….
Call your small town lake shore a “beach”……and
visit it on New Years Day…..I promise you will have it all to yourself.
Last week we took a break for out “Big Project” ( I cannot wait to share more about it soon) and headed out of town a few miles to soak up the outdoors.
It was cold but sunny…..and we had it all to ourselves….any table we wanted…..perfection!
Last week I shared my top 10 posts of the year. It was fun to look back and remember some of the older posts.
Today I want to take a moment and share with you a few of my goals for this new year.
I have been seriously struggling within myself trying to figure out my place here in bogland. That might sound sort of weird but honestly I feel that I haven’t found myself yet…
In three months, I will be celebrating my two year blogging anniversary and it’s frustrating to still feel like I am wandering around so to speak.
I have heard a lot of people picking a word for the year, something that defines were they want to go for the year, or what they want to have happen. I am going to list out a few of my actual goals but the word that came to my mind immediately was INTENTIONAL.
I hope that this year my words and ideas will have more focus and value.
So… lets get into my actual goals for this year.
1- write more stories. I love to share fun personal stories. I read blogs like this and I cannot help but feel like that is what I want. My hope this year is to grow my writing skills and bring some more fun stories to the table. I was really surprised at how well this post did, a simple story about what was actually going on in my life. I hope that you are ok with hearing a few more stories thrown into the mix.
2- be more focused. I think that this is part of the INTENTIONAL word I mentioned earlier. My brain can be everywhere at once and by the end of the day I am wondering what I got done. I really want to pause and work on the most important tasks first….faceboook and Instagram can wait….right!
3-slow down. I would say that I am a pretty driven person. That doesnt mean that I am super organized or know all the answers. I work hard. My little Miss. A will be 3 soon and I can’t hardly stand it. She is the cutest little fire ball, I want to enjoy her. I plan to make sure that I get more time with her and the new little squirt that will be here this year….yikes!
4 -be happy now. I am always falling into the habit of thinking “when I get here(some random goal), then I will be happy. I want to be happy with where I am, still striving for my goals but enjoying now! Do you ever feel like you are looking ahead to the next best thing and not loving where you are at at the moment?
5- organize. The question is where to start… My main focus will be organizing my ideas and posts ahead of time. I really want to have a plan in place that will allow some flexibility, rather than rushing to get a post out. This is all part of being INTENTIONAL.
6- let it go. I am the worst at this. If someone is mean to me, you better believe that I will remember that for a very long time. I have come to the realization though, that it only hurts me to be mad. I want to let go of those mean thoughts and just move up and move on.
7- bigger projects. I would love to undertake some bigger project this year. I am really really new to working with brands. I love the challenge of promoting a brand and actually offering something to you guys that is beneficial.
8-less complaining/stressing. I hate to admit that I am sort of a pessimist. I wish… oh wish, that I was more bubbly and care free….nope. I am determined to have a better attitude. And, try to relax.
9- new hobby. I think it would be so fun to learn something new this year. I am defiantly not afraid to try new things. Maybe I can try my hand at building again…it sort of scares me because I have had so many many building fails.
10- food posts– I have pretty much put the kibosh on food posts, they seem too hard. I decided that since I feel that way, I need to break out of my comfort zone and give it my best effort. I am thinking more along the lines of simple snack ideas along with party food tips. Everyone eats right!
I will probably wait a few more month until I visit the “beach” again.. but you better believe I will be splashing and soak up the sun here soon!
I am just like you…..when I get hurt I get mad and have a hard time letting go. Well, with the new year, I had a small altercation with my sister. I did not speak to her, but took a break for some me time My stress level went way down and I am having the “best beginning” to a new year.! Awesome! This means that we need to have a heart to heart in order to have a good and stress free relationship.
I totally get it Sophie. I think that you are really great to actually want to sit down with your sister and talk to her about your relationship. Family is so important…but having a stress free life is also a must. Good luck talking to her. I wish you the best!
Oh, a beach all to yourself. That’s the dream, right?! I love you goals. They are definitely all things that I need to work on, too. It’s easy to get wrapped up in trying to achieve big goals and forget that day to day life is all we get. We need to cherish what we have now.
I totally agree Jamie. I have been so focused on that end goal way down the road that I am missing my day to day life. Life is passing my by and I am going to make a stronger effort to stop and enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by!
I would love to be more intentional this year too- it is kind of like an umbrella goal where all your other goals fall under that, right? If you can be more intentional in your time and focus then it is easier to reach those other things!! Best of luck with reaching these goals this year, Shonee:)
I think it is one of those umbrella goals. I hope that if my daily tasks are more focused and intentional that I will get more done…hoping anyway. Thanks for stopping by Krista!
These are huge goals in my life